Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Course Preview

    • What To Expect

    • Student Acknowledgment (required)

  • 2

    Sales, Underwriting, & Delivery

    • Insurance Marketing & Sales Practices

    • Insurance Risk & Underwriting

    • Insurance Premiums

    • Insurance Contract & Delivery

    • Chapter Terms & Definitions

    • Flashcards: Sales, Underwriting, & Delivery

    • Quiz: Sales, Underwriting, & Delivery

    • Chapter Notes

  • 3

    Group Health Insurance & Affordable Care Act

    • Group Health Insurance

    • Affordable Care Act

    • Flashcards: Group Health & Affordable Care Act

    • Quiz: Group Health Insurance & Affordable Care Act

    • Chapter Notes

  • 4

    Types of Health Policies

    • Types of Health Insurance Policies

    • Flashcards: Types of Health Policies

    • Quiz: Types of Health Policies

    • Chapter Notes

  • 5

    Medicare, Long-Term Care, Social Security, Disability, Workers Comp

    • Medicare

    • Long-Term Care

    • Social Security

    • Disability Insurance

    • Workers Compensation

    • Flashcards: Medicare, Long-Term Care, Social Security, Disability, Workers Comp

    • Quiz: Medicare, Long-Term Care, Social Security, Disability, Workers Comp

    • Chapter Notes

  • 6

    Business Uses of Insurance

    • Business Uses of Insurance

    • Flashcards: Business Uses of Insurance

    • Quiz: Business Uses of Insurance

    • Chapter Notes

  • 7

    Life Insurance Providers

    • Life Insurance Providers

    • Flashcards: Life Insurance Providers

    • Quiz: Life Insurance Providers

    • Chapter Notes

  • 8

    Life Policies, Provisions, Settlement, & Premiums

    • Life Insurance Policies

    • Life Insurance Policy Provisions

    • Life Insurance Settlement Options

    • Life Insurance Dividends

    • Life Insurance Premiums

    • Life Insurance Beneficiaries

    • Flashcards: Life Policies, Provisions, Settlement, & Premiums

    • Quiz: Life Policies, Provisions, Settlement, & Premiums

    • Chapter Notes

  • 9

    Group Life Insurance

    • Group Life Insurance

    • Flashcards: Group Life Insurance

    • Quiz: Group Life Insurance

    • Chapter Notes

  • 10

    Annuities & Retirement

    • Annuities

    • Retirement

    • Flashcards: Annuities & Retirement

    • Quiz: Annuities & Retirement

    • Chapter Notes

  • 11

    California Insurance Rules and Regulations

    • General Insurance Regulations

    • Life Insurance Regulations

    • Health Insurance Regulations

    • Insurance Agent Ethics

    • Flashcards: Rules & Regulations

    • Quiz: Rules and Regulations

    • Chapter Notes

  • 12

    Final Course Exam

    • Final Course Exam Introduction

    • Final Course Exam: This Exam Requires A Passing Score of 70%

  • 13


    • Downloads & Information